The latest Western-fueled conflagration in the Arab world indicates an accelerated regional strategy of destabilizing and taking over target nations. ALL THROUGH OUT THE MIDDLE EAST AND TO CENTRAL ASIA! TO THE UNDERBELLY OF RUSSIA AND CHINA!
Nations like Russia and China, whose interests are being directly threatened and stripped away in this malicious melee and they are not prepared for IMPERIALIST USA TO TAKE THEM HOSTAGE.

 Some nations succumb in silence behind the scenes, others are invaded, mercilessly brutalized, and assimilated into their FASCIST-GLOBALIST "NEW WORLD ORDER!"

The civil society overlay these FASCIST GLOBALISTS USE to establish what amounts to a subversive shadow government is always creeping forward no matter how hard a target nation may try to ward it off. 
Only in the most extreme cases, such as Qaddafi’s Libya has civil society been uprooted entirely – making military intervention an acceptable and inevitable alternative from a FASCIST-GLOBALIST perspective.
Indeed there is a battle raging between the FASCIST-Corporatists-Financier-ELITE-OLIGARCHS of New York and London and their ever growing collection of GLOBALIST STOOGES and VASSAL STATES WORLDWIDE against the rest of FREE-MEN AND ALL HUMANITY! O-BOMB-A IS THEIR APPOINTED PUPETT!
Each nation that falls to the FASCIST-BANKSTER-GLOBALISTS, however far from our own shores it may be, EMPOWERS and EMBOLDENS THEM and is ONE NATION closer to their ULTIMATE GOAL of THEIR NEW ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT aka  "THE NEW WORLD ORDER!!"

They have created a perfect system of their strategy of tension where we wrestle with one battle after another, we work to head-off one war after another by exposing their meddling and subversion in one nation after another and  all while their AGENDA of WARS and PLANNED MERCILESS BANKSTER TAKE OVERS aggressively jumps forward!

We all to one degree or another have helped advance these FASCIST-GLOBALISTS' strategem of tension by playing into these contrived crises and by failing to focus on the source of our torment. 
The alternative media has made gains in exposing and delegitimizing the “international community” however, we must understand that the myriad of pet agendas we keep and nurture are in many ways dividing and distracting us – playing directly into their FASCIST-GLOBALIST theatrical productions.

The tragedy playing out between the duped and misled people of Israel and the besieged Palestinians is an example of where the FASCIST GLOBALIST ELITES have created the perfect, unsolvable conflict from which they can perpetually wring out leverage to advance their agenda

                                                 Their very fake “War on Terror” is another example. 
We get caught up in the details, we pick sides, we expend energy fighting these battles and we lose sight within this puppet theater of the men pulling the strings above. We become blinded and cannot understand the necessity of leaving the puppets behind, climbing up above the stage and throttling the puppet masters themselves. WE MUST RECALL AND UNDERSTAND HOW!  these FASCIST-CORPORATIST-BANKSTER-OLIGARCH-ELITES got so much unwarranted POWER in the first place – by controlling and regulating our lives from far above. They got it by us paying into their corrupt system for generations, as we’ve traded personal responsibilities in for corporate ready-made convenience. 
They will keep their power as long as we keep paying into their system, kidding ourselves that if we dance with their puppets long enough we will become the masters. NO!  WE ARE THEIR DEBT SLAVES!  WAKE UP!  THEY WONT EVER ALLOW THIS TO HAPPEN!

While activism, protesting, and campaigning is noble indeed
, it is entirely futile until you identify and target the very source of your torment. 

In every case, be it Israel’s conflict with the Palestinians, the unending “War on Terror,” starving children, or even the bungling response of the “international community” over the disaster emanating from Japan’s Fukushima prefecture, the source of torment is the same: the unwarranted POWER! wielded by these FASCIST-MYOPICALLY-OBSESSED-MEGALO-MANIAC-ELITES! leveraging and squandering THEIR POWER to Enrich Themselves at the COST of the rest of MAN-KIND AND ALL OF HUMANITY!

We cannot depend on Russia, China, the other BRIC nations, or rouge nations like Iran to stand up against THEIR EXPANDING FASCIST-ANGLO-AMERICAN EVIL EMPIRE!

 In many ways they play directly into the strategy of tension themselves and run a similar risk of being folded in if their own people do not make this fundamental realization. 
The answer is to undermine this unwarranted power by no longer paying into their system through a full-spectrum boycott and the systematic replacement of the globalist corporate combines with local solutions.

We need not pen lengthy manifestos or declare in lofty terms our independence, we simply must begin taking the reins of our own destiny back by identifying how horrifyingly dependent we are on the globalists and rectifying it day to day by how we spend our money, time, and energy.

As a cloud of radioactive fallout blows seaward from Japan, as the Middle East convulses in engineered destabilization, as oil and food prices are manipulated by Wall Street speculators, the excuse of it being “too difficult” to boycott and replace the comfort and convenience offered to us by the corporate-financier oligarchs is beginning to ring rather hollow. Your life and the future of humanity depends on ALL OF US BOYCOTTING and REPLACING  the FASCIST GLOBALIST EILTES!

World War III has already begun and is consuming the world one nation at a time.

We literally have nothing to lose by boycotting, replacing and deposing all the FASCIST GLOBALIST ELITES!! besides our servile dependence on their system. We will find by usurping THEIR UNAUTHORIZED AUTHORITY FROM OUR LIVES THAT  this will advance our cause!!
IT'S NECESSARY TO BOYCOTT THEIR SYSTEMS and climb up above their theater and
                                              throttle the puppet masters themselves!!